Paragon 2 Mall

Paragon 2 Mall

Paragon 2 Mall

العاصمة الجديدة
  • الحى المالى و الحى الحكومى
تفاصيل المشروع

Location of Paragon 2 Mall, Administrative Capital
One of the most important reasons for the success of your investment project is choosing the optimal geographical location, so always be careful

Baladria Real Estate Company chooses the best and most distinguished places as it is located near the most important areas in

The New Administrative Capital is surrounded by many important roads and main axes

Specifically in the Financial District, plot CS26, in the Financial District, in front of the Presidential Palace and the Al-Massa Hotel

It overlooks a main street with a width of 30 metres, and the facade of the building overlooks a main street with a length of 130 metres

The mall features two entrances, the first with a view of the Presidential Gardens and Bin Zayed Palace, while the second entrance overlooks the Opera House.

On a direct main road linking the regional ring axis and the capital’s Mall Paragon 2 axis

Paragon Mall 2 is distinguished by its proximity to the German International University, the Canadian University, and the European University Complex

It is minutes away from the famous Al Masa Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in the Administrative Capital, 370 meters away

It is 1.7 km away from Bin Zayed North Axis

Very close to the headquarters of Egyptian and international companies and bank branches

Also close to the Ministries District and the Sixth Residential District

Paragon 2 Mall is minutes away from the Green River as well as the Ring Road

Paragon 2 Mall, New Administrative Capital, is 30 minutes away from the Capital International Airport

Paragon Mall 2 is located in the middle of the Parliament building and the government district

It directly overlooks Bin Zayed Palace and the Presidential Garden

The mall is located in front of the Egyptian Stock Exchange building and is 400 meters away from the Central Bank of Egypt

النواع الوحدات
اسعار الوحدات

The building includes only administrative units, fully administrative; Which achieves the highest levels of privacy and tranquility

Pargon Mall 2 has a unique location surrounded by many important roads and main axes, which ensures traffic

High for the project

All facades of the mall have a wonderful view of the Japanese-style garden

The mall operates with IOT (Internet of Things) technology that connects smartphones to electronic devices in the units

The units have distinctive facades that allow natural light to enter; Which contributes significantly to increasing productivity

And the ability to work

It includes 3 main entrances, with the first and second entrance overlooking the main road and Bin Zayed Palace

While the third entrance to the mall is located in the direction of the opera

The Paragon 2 Mall project, the Administrative Capital, has European designs and double glass panels to prevent noise

All landlines in the Paragon project work with IP technology, which is the highest technology used in major countries

It is a community area of ​​2000 square meters that allows all categories of Paragon HUB

Users communicate, interact and build new relationships that serve business relationships

The latest technologies were used to complete the mall's infrastructure, providing businessmen with everything they desire

Paragon Mall 2, Administrative Capital

Services and facilities of Paragon Mall, Administrative Capital
It includes many services and facilities that serve all needs of Paragon 2 New Capital

Customer needs suit all tastes, including...

Green spaces and landscape, in addition to picturesque water fountains and crystal artificial lakes

There are also artificial waterfalls that add a charming touch to the place

Immediate maintenance, booking meeting rooms, and monitoring electricity and water consumption for each company

There are a number of international cafes, and a number of distinctive cafes that offer the best meals and drinks

Paragon Mall 2 has the largest parking area; This makes it easy to find parking easily

High-speed Internet services, in all administrative units and the entire building

Electricity generators to ensure permanent electricity supply inside the building

Electronic screens and smart services application on mobile devices to facilitate communication between companies

All corridors inside the mall are designed in a distinctive and modern way

Pargon Mall 2, the Administrative Capital, has integrated security services around the clock

There are also 2 bathrooms inside Paragon Mall for each unit owner

Paragon Mall 2 includes entertainment and administrative facilities and is equipped with artificial intelligence-powered infrastructure

Paragon 2, the New Administrative Capital, includes 6 distinctive panoramic elevators

Conference and meeting rooms are equipped with the latest technological technologies and have a variety of spaces

A communications network linked to the Internet and electronic devices designed to control fire systems

Electronically control air quality, indoor temperature, surveillance cameras, and electricity generators to ensure...

Permanent electrical supply inside the building

Providing a community center that includes a recreational hall, a modern break room, and a designer café

24 Hour Security

24 Hour Security

Children's Playground

Children's Playground

Cafe and Restaurants

Cafe and Restaurants



Engineering consultant
Owner Company
Development company
Paragon Developments
All Rights reserved to KHL Realestate Company 2023